Acacia has always been one of our best selling honeys and here's why:-
Raw Organic Acacia Honey is a real Hungarian specialty, as there are more Acacia Forests in Hungary than the rest of Europe combined. We've just had a new delivery of this wonderful honey from the Carpathian Mountains of Hungary and here is a message from the beekeeper.
Our Raw Organic Acacia honey is produced by organic beekeeper Antal and his partner Andras. One of the reasons his honey stands out is his strategic approach to getting the best from the Acacia harvest. Antal operates in two distinct zones:- The Kiskunság National Park in the Great Plain of Hungary, and the northern Carpathian mountainous region of Nógrád. This is one of the most popular honey types due to its mild sweet taste. Acacia is a honey that stays runny much longer then other raw honeys and has a lower glycaemic index. Because of its mild flavour, Acacia honey is good to mix into drinks or recipes as it does not affect the flavour, like Oak and other stronger honeys. The Acacia tree is actually a flowering shrub which is part of the legume family. It is also known as the black locust tree due the black legumes which grow on the tree and give the appearance of locusts. Acacia honey is particularly good to use on irritated skin, it has a soothing effect and can help repair wounds, infections and damage. It is ideal for herb teas and coffee because it does not alter the flavour. It is also very versatile in recipes such as: cakes, cookies, desert toppings, ice creams, warm honey teas, salads and meat glazes, this is because its light flavour does not tend to alter a dish's taste. How is raw honey different from processed honey?
Raw honey is minimally processed, meaning it’s packed with natural enzymes, pollen, and nutrients that are often lost during processing. Most supermarket honeys are processed to create a uniform appearance, often being drained of pollen, heated, and blended. Raw honey changes in flavour, colour, and texture depending on the season and the flowers that bees feed on, making each batch unique.
You can find out more about our Raw Organic Acacia Honey from Antal and Andras here.
Why is our Raw Organic Acacia Honey so Popular?