Pure Raw Honey That is Antibacterial & Free From Impurities Newer
"I have been looking for a long time to find a place where I can trust good honey. Finally I have. Honest, genuine and a fast service. Thank you guys, will be promoting your guys to all my contacts!" Yaseen, London
Pure Raw Honey
As nature intended –
nothing added &
nothing taken away
15% off three kilos - + up to 25% off (more for large quantities)
+ Worried about buying in case you don't like the honey? If you don't like it return it within 90 days, we will send you a replacement honey or refund, no questions.
In about 1997 we stumbled across the most amazing wilderness honey high in the Pyrenees, just inside the Spanish border. That was a life changing discovery - honey that was raw and unprocessed, unlike anything we had ever tasted before.
Bringing it back for friends and family ended up with us selling the honey. If you are looking for pure raw honey that meets the following criteria then you have come to the right place:
Cold pressed honey that is unpasteurised.
Honey that is from wild places, away from the pesticides and herbicides you can get in honey where the bees collect nectar from crops that have been sprayed or treated with toxins.
Honey that is produced far from industry, motorways and other sources of pollution.
From old style, natural beekeepers who don't use practices common to 'factory farmed' honey production, where antibiotics and conventional medicines are used on the bees, which contaminates the honey.
Honey that is minimally processed - just coarse filtered to remove large debris and not pasteurised, which destroys many of the beneficial properties and flavour.
Honey that is higher in the naturally beneficial qualities because it is raw and untreated.
Honey that is certified organic or produced according to organic principles.
Honey that can be traced back to the beekeeper and area it came from.
Unusual monofloral honeys like Oak, Chestnut, Beech, Rosemary, Thyme, Lemon Blossom and more.
- Pure raw honey - perhaps to buy in bulk with quantity discounts.
If you are looking for all this then try one of the honeys below from one of the small-scale beekeepers - at no risk. If you don't like it you can return it to us.
It's important to note that because this is raw honey it does become solid (set) after a while (unlike pasteurised, filtered honey which remains runny or honey in countries with a very warm climate).