Here's Antonio Simon - 4th generation organic beekeeper

I'm posting with an update with details of a discussion I had, when I dropped in to see Antonio Simon (our main supplier of raw organic honey) rec...

Still in need of last minute gifts? You can get raw honey gifts just off Lewes Road, Brighton until Friday Dec 23rd at 4pm

Still in need of last minute gifts? You can drop in and see us just off Lewes Road, Brighton until Friday at 4pm

If you live local to us in Brighton and Hove you are welcome to drop by our warehouse and pick up some last minute gifts. Unit C4, Enterprise Point, Melbourne Street, Brighton BN2 3LH. There's free parking outside.

I went to visit the bees in an Oak forest on a mountain - and saw an incredible tradition of natural beekeeping

My name is Eva and I learned about the incredible tradition of natural beekeeping that Antonio Simon follows - and saw one of the beautiful places where his oak honey comes from.

Let me tell you a little more about the bees and what Antonio does to help them create some of the best honey you will ever find.

April News Update: Action needed for the bees + £22 Saving on a box of forest

Click the image to download the News Update to see more about the catastrophic effect some pesticides are having on our bees - and how this Summer ...

Raw Honey Easter Gift Bags - with savings before 23rd March

Raw Honey Easter Gift Bags - each with a wilderness raw honey. Discounts and a few gift with one Gift Set until 23rd March. Are you wondering what...

See a key difference difference between raw and processed honey

It's not a great photo but hopefully you can see the difference between a fine filtered commercial acacia honey (on the left) and our raw acacia.  ...

10% Off All Honeys Until Noon 3rd February

You can get 10% off (on top of existing discounts) from now until noon on Wednesday(3rd February).
Here's how the discount works and exact details on how you can apply the discount:

Bee stories: Yes bees get drunk - but it doesn't end happily

Many will be feeling a little rough today after New Year celebrations. Consider what happens to honeybees if they get drunk - it doesn't end happil...

A new last minute raw honey gift option

If you are still looking for last minute gifts we have a couple of raw honey gift options - including a new one which is quick and hassle free (option 2 below).

Blog Post: Raw Honey Gifts - and something to help the bees

Right now it is Saturday morning (5th December) and the thought of trudging out into the high street is alarming me.  Quite frankly I'm dreading it- and it can only get worse over the next few weeks.

Hopefully I can offer you a few solutions here that can meet some of your needs and be done from home....or wherever you are now.

Oak honey comes from Acorns

When Ramon the beekeeper told me that Oak honey comes from acorns I found this hard to believe.

How could bees make honey from acorns? 

This I discovered is how...........